The Journey of the Kakapo

Historical Kakapo

The history of the Kakapo is a story of drama, despair, and hope. A ground-dwelling parrot that lived on the isolated landmass of New Zealand for thousands of years, the Kakapo evolved into one of the world's most remarkable birds.

But with human colonization and the introduction of predators such as stoats, cats, rats, and dogs, the species plummeted towards extinction. By 1995, there were only 50 known Kakapo surviving, on a handful of small island sanctuaries.

Today, with a world population of 120 and a comprehensive Kakapo Recovery Programme underway, the Kakapo is on its first tentative steps to recovery.

History of the Kakapo

Date Kakapo History
Pre-human Abundant throughout New Zealand
1800s Found in central North Island and forested areas of South Island
1894 Government initiates efforts to save Kakapo
1950s-1970s Population declines significantly due to introduced predators
1980s Intensive conservation efforts begin, including translocations to predator-free islands
1995 Only 50 Kakapo known to survive
2002 Phenomenal breeding event results in 24 chicks added to the population
2020 World population reaches 120 individuals